Putting Lipstick on SNL, Tina Fey, Bulldogs, Naomi Wolf, and "The Real McCain"

Watch as Governor Sarah Palin (Tina Fey) and Senator Hilary Clinton (Amy Poehler) address the nation on Saturday Night Live:

Naomi Wolf talks to Riz Khan about Election 2008 politics, gender issues, and putting lipstick on a pig:

"The Real McCain" straight-talk express:

And here's a pic of an Barack Obama action-figure holding a lipsticked pig, courtesy of Greg the Bunny's Flickr photostream:

Also, thanks to Raúl Ibáñez for linking YouCanPutLipStickOnAPig.com via the "If it's Tuesday, This must be Malate" blog, in a post titled "Can you put lipstick on a pig? Apparently you can, although the pig may tend to get bored, or if you will, boared, says farmer Joel Salatin on NPR."

Of note:

Someone calling themself "Piglipstick" comments on the current "putting lipstick on a pig" kerfuffle in the post "On Pigs with Lipstick and Other Inanities" on the blog "Puttin’ Lipstick on a Pig" (http://piglipstick.wordpress.com/), which also features a post about the origin of the phrase, headlined "Source, Origin, and Cause."

And Holy Mackerel also has a "Lipstick on a Pig" blog, at http://lipstickonapig.wordpress.com/. It looks like the blog hasn't been updated in a while, but there is a post about the controversial comic-book genius Dave Sim, so I've gotta link it.

Finally, Sarah Palin puts lipstick on a bulldog hockey mom, in the Daily Show video clip below:

See Kevin Hoffman's "Was 'pitbull with lipstick' line scripted?" post on CityPages.com for more info on the traditional usage of the "lipstick on a bulldog" analogy.

NPR puts lipstick on a pig. Literally.

From the Sept. 10, 2008 episode of All Things Considered: "The phrase 'lipstick on a pig' is commonly employed by politicians including Sens. Barack Obama and John McCain, Vice President Dick Cheney and Rep. Charles Rangel. Joel Salatin, a farmer from Swoope, Va., talks about what actually happens when one attempts to put lipstick on a pig." Listen Now [3 min 29 sec]

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Keep sending your Lipstick on a Pig photos in to Brachish [at] gmail.com.